Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa nr 15 im. Królowej Jadwigi
Address: Małopolska 20, 45-301 Opole, Poland
Type of school: Primary school
Our school is located in Opole, in the south-west of Poland. The patron of the school is Jadwiga- the queen of Poland. This historical figure was famous from her goodness, wisdom and charity and constituted a good example to follow. The students of our school can identify with her and the noble features that she represented. She was 10 years old when she became a king of Poland.
Over 500 students attend our school. They are taught on the primary level. Their learning lasts for 8 years. Pupils from levels 1 to 3 are taught integrated skills, ICT, English and German. Students from levels 4 to 8 are taught Polish, English, German, History, Maths, Music, Art, Computer Studies, Technology, Science, Physical Education, Religious Education or Ethics. Science is divided into two subjects: Biology and Geography for 5th and 6th graders and three subjects: Physics, Biology, Chemistry for 7th and 8th graders.
The number of teachers is over 60. All students have an access to qualified specialists, they can always count on the support of a school psychologist, a nurse, a speech therapist, a physiotherapist and special pedagogues. For students who have difficulties in learning, the school organises the teaching-compensatory classes. Talented students have an occasion to expand their knowledge, develop passions and interests participating in various after school clubs.
Moreover, the school is situated in the region where many people are German in origin. Some of the students speak German as their mother tounge because they have German relatives. At school students have an opportunity to learn German as a language of the German minority 4 hours a week including one hour of subject called History and Culture of Germany.
The number of students from immigrant families increases every year. We have students from Ukraine and Moldavia.
At school there are so-called integrated classes, where healthy children learn together with their disabled friends. Such classes are smaller in size, so the students have an opportunity to work better together. Thanks to such an organization, they are also more tolerant and sensitive.
The participation in “Green Crossroads” project will strengthen our students’ motivation towards learning. The project activities can unite all the students, improve group work skills, contribute to developing key competences and influence succesful adaptation of immigrant students. Project tasks will strengthen students’ abilities of critical and logical thinking and deepen the motivation for learning STEM subjects what can prevent early school leaving in the future. They will have the opportunity to go out the classroom, use their knowledge on different subjects in practice, combine Science with Art. Our school took part as a partner in the Comenius projects and since 2015 it has been participating in Erasmus+ projects.