The GREEN CROSSROADS project is a continuation of the ROOTS project, in which we worked on cultural heritage and traditions; with the information and knowledge gained from past generations, we are looking ahead, at a crossroads, trying to figure out which is the right path to follow in the future. Our project aims to explore and choose the right green path and thus support the actions of a sustainable future for our planet. A common problem for all of us is the danger of climate change, which is happening right before our eyes and concerns us greatly.

The second very concrete problem is the huge production of waste at schools. Especially the use of plastics puts our environment at risk since we need precious resources for its production such as fossil feedstocks, water and energy. Even though most of our partner schools have very efficient tools and ways of recycling, we still have to dig deeper and start planning ways of preventing the waste not to even form in the first place.

Another problem is the loss of biodiversity. Biodiversity is disappearing as a result of unsustainable human activities and slowing down biodiversity loss is one of humanity’s great challenges. The alteration and destruction of habitats puts thousands of species in danger of extinction. An example is the decrease of the pollinator populations in Europe. We as schools of the future, we have to radically change the way we live and adapt our ecological habits. We cannot simply react to change, but must take a proactive role in building the future.